
My Kids

I have 2 young dudes to brag about. Both of them are incredibly tech savvy boomers.

My older son who loves to watch National Geographic and playing video games. Who always want to explore the world. Wanted to know why black holes exist? Why Wi- Fi pronouced as "why- phay" though the true meaning is "Wireless Fidelity?".

Why and how Volcanoes erupt? What is a Solar Rover and why the solar panel turns sunlight into the electricity? My son is not academically good in the class but on the positive side, he is highly intuitive, very inquisitive, and a smart technology user.
Just like any other 6th grader child, my son is also a young player who likes to play badminton.

and chess.

He likes to travel, he loves the camera and love to capture everything. From homebody to a fine young dude, my son's ultimate dream is to become a software engineer and a successful photographer.

While typing this, he said, "mom, I like to keep personal things to myself, if you blog about me i would be extremely mad!". That's my 11-year-old son : )

He is my youngest son. He's cute. He is my 'lil sweetheart. He idolizes Bruno Mars and an avid Justin Bieber fan, too. He likes sponge bob and loves to play Nickelodeon games. He likes to do some crafty stuffs. He likes tracing, coloring and painting different objects. He likes to take pictures and just recently he showed his interest and knack for photography. Take a look of these photos:

Too early to brag but in the eyes of a 4-year- old child, these photos looks amazingly beautiful!

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